Time Asia--Karen Mok
'My Best is Yet to Come' 我最好的時代尚未來臨
Hong Kong actress and singer Karen Mok is set to star in a new road movie--she describes it as a Chinese version of the cult film Trainspotting--and plans to release an English-language album this year. TIME reporter Stephen Short caught up with Mok in Hong Kong before she set off for Guangxi, China, to begin filming.
香港演歌雙棲藝人莫文蔚將要接拍一部公路電影---莫文蔚形容它是中國版的”猜火車*.” 也計畫再今年發行一張英文專輯. Time記者Stephen Short趕在莫文蔚出發到廣西拍片之前到香港做了以下的專訪
TIME: Last time we met you talked about wanting to be in a road movie. What's happening now?
TIME: 上次我們碰面 你提過想要參與一部公路電影。 現在呢?
Mok: The road movie is finally happening. It's going to be shot in a remote area of Guangxi--as if Guangxi wasn't remote enough already. It's differentfrom all the Hong Kong movies I've done. All the actors are mainland Chinese and I'm apparently the only actress. it's just me and loads of guys.
Karen: 是啊 電影終於塵埃落定了. 我們會在廣西一處較偏遠的地方拍攝---搞得好像廣西本身不夠偏遠一樣. 不過 它和我所有拍過的香港電影都不一樣.全部都是中國大陸的演員,而且 我似乎是唯一的女生. 一個女生和一大群男生耶.
TIME: Does it have a title?
Mok: I'm not 100% sure what the English translation is but I think it's going to be called All The Way. In the movie, I'm just a girl from nowhere, hitchhiking, and get picked up by a guy, then various things happen along the way. My boyfriend keeps beeping me on a pager--I'm meant to meet him--and there's cops and robbers, gunfights, typical road movie stuff. I'm looking forward to it. It should be finished by the end of April, beginning of May, if things go well. The tone of the movie may be something like Trainspotting, rather avant-gardist.
Karen: 我不是很確定官方英文翻譯但是我想應該會叫”All The Way”吧. 我飾演一個像流浪兒的女生, 在大馬路邊試著沿路攔車要去跟約定好的男友碰面. 最後一個男人停下來載我. 中間一度因為我的爽約男朋友拼命呼叫(beeping)我. 總之,一連串的故事就此展開啦. 一些很典型公路電影的內容------警察,強劫,槍戰. 很期待就是了 順利的話,四月底五月初就可以完工. 整體上,它有猜火車>的質感,很新潮.
TIME: What's your reaction now to Tempting Heart? Richard Corliss, TIME's movie critic, put it in his ten best films of the year, last year. Would you agree?
Time: 說說你現在對心動>的感覺. Richard Corliss, 時代雜誌的電影評論把心動>列入年度十大好電影之一. 你同意嗎
Mok: That's a little surprising to me. To be honest, I was a little disappointed with the script. I felt it was too one-sided and very subjective. The role that I played--the lesbian friend--could have been much more interesting because she was a complex character. It's a pity. In some ways that made it more challenging to act, but there was so little space for me and I could only do so much. I did raise that point with Sylvia Chang [the director] but I guess there wasn't enough time to fix the script. I thought it was very '70s. It was a bit of a fairytale too. But it still stands up as a good movie.
Karen: 坦白說,我有點驚訝. 劇本的主觀和偏頗讓我有點失望. 我飾演的愛上同性好友的角色應該可以著墨上更多色彩的,她擁有纖細複雜的個性. 真的很可惜. 角色發揮的程度被侷限, 而我也只能在有限的範疇裡盡可能表現. 當然,我也跟張艾嘉導演討論過這個問題. 大概不夠時間修改劇本吧. 心動>很70年代也很童話故事的感覺. 但它還是不失為一部好電影
TIME: You turned down a Peter Greenaway movie last year, 8* Women. Why?
Time: 你去年婉拒了Peter Greenway, 8* Women電影的邀約. 為什麼?
Mok: Yes, I met Peter in London and we talked about it. Of course, I'm a big fan of Greenaway but the role would have involved too much nudity and I really didn't want to do that. Shame, but there it is.
Karen: 對 我是Peter頭號影迷,也有和他在倫敦碰面討論細節. 但是,這部電影掺入太多裸露的鏡頭,我實在不想這樣做. 很遺憾,不過事實如此.
TIME: That's mighty impressive. Most people would kill for a shot in a Greenaway movie, but then you seem pretty unusual. That's your appeal. You're an incredible cocktail of East and West. What are your genes like?
Time: 天啊. 有多少人拼了命想在Greenway的電影裡露一面. 你真的很不同. 大概這就是你動人之處. 你的基因是完美的中西融合(很有趣 他把Karen形容為incredible cocktail)究竟你包含了哪些血統呢?
Mok: My grandfather was Welsh, so my father's half-Welsh, half-Chinese. My mum's also a mix--yet she's a bit more complicated. Her father is half-Persian, half-German, and her mother is Chinese. So if you break it down evenly, I would still be half Chinese--and the rest is just a mish-mash.
Karen:我祖父是威爾斯人; 父親是一半威爾斯一半中國. 我母親也是混血,但她就複雜的多. 她父親是一半波斯,一半德國; 他媽媽呢是中國人.所以呢, 如果你平均地分配,我就是一半中國人,另一半就是一盤大雜燴吧. (我猜Karen在這邊應該會大笑)
TIME: You were in London and Italy right?
Time: 你曾經住在倫敦和義大利吧?
Mok: Yes. I did a four-year course in London and studied Italian literature for two years at the United World College in Italy It was started by, whoops, I've forgotten. The Duke of something? I think Prince Charles is a patron. There's quite a few of these colleges in the world, one here in Hong Kong in fact. There were 200 students in my college from about 15 different countries. I was really proud of myself for winning a scholarship. You have to win one to go to these places and I was the only person picked from my class. I was really chuffed.
Karen: 對. 我在倫敦上大學. 在義大利United World College兩年讀義大利文學. 恩…它是由…喔喔 我忘記了...什麼什麼爵士成立的. 查爾斯王子好像是創辦人之一. 這種世界聯合書院很少, 香港有一所. 學校裡只有200個學生 卻來自15個不同國家. 你必須要得到獎學金才能進入這些學苑. 我是班上唯一入選的. 我開心死了也很為自己感到驕傲,
TIME: Did you grow up really fast over there?
Time: 一個人在國外有沒有讓你瞬間成長?
Mok: I think I knew how to take care of myself by the time I went over. My parents had taught us not to rely on them and I had looked forward to leaving home.
Karen:: 我想我一直都知道怎麼照顧我自己. 我父母從小就告訴我跟哥哥不要依賴他們. 而且,我一直很期待有朝一日可以離開家看看外面的世界
TIME: And how did you take to London?
Time: 那你喜歡倫敦嗎?
Mok: At first I didn't like it at all, I think because the two years in Italy were fabulous. The university in London was bigger, with about 2,000 students, and not exactly what I was expecting. I remember on the third day waking up and thinking, 'God, I've got years of this.'
Karen: 剛開始一點都不喜歡. 大概是因為在義大利那兩年實在是太完美了. 倫敦大學大多了,大約2000個學生,跟我期待的一點都不一樣. 我還記得第三天早上, 睜開眼睛,想: “天啊 我還要待在這裡好幾年!”
TIME: You were 17. How romantic a place did you find Italy?
Time: 在義大利的時候 你才17歲. 有感受到義大利的浪漫氣息嗎?
Mok: Well, I didn't go to a very romantic place. It was in Trieste. In fact, that's probably the most unromantic place in all of Italy. Almost more Austrian, than Italian, but the village we were in was very tiny, very quaint. I might be heading back for a reunion later on this year. The place itself was right on the Adriatic Sea and my room used to be part of a castle. There was a little prince and family living next door and my room was right on a cliff overlooking the sea. I was there for two years.
Karen: 呃…我並沒有去什麼浪漫的地方. 我的學校在第里雅斯特. 第里雅斯特大概是義大利最不浪漫的地方了,澳洲人比義大利人還多. 不過 學校就在亞德里亞海邊的村落, 非常小,很僻靜. 我的房間在某座城堡裡, 剛剛好就在峭壁上可以眺望整片海洋. 城堡隔壁住著小貴族家庭. 我在那邊住了兩年.
TIME: I've heard that you plan to release an English-language album. Do you feel confined by Hong Kong Canto-pop music?
Time: 我聽說你計劃發行英文唱片. 會不會有被香港流行樂文化桎梏的感覺
Mok: Sometimes, yes. It's just a vicious cycle. The record companies churn out the same thing because people are used to that. They're certainly not used to churning out innovative music because they're not willing to take the risk. So it's probably going to remain the same way for the next 50 years.
Karen: 有時候會. 某種惡性循環. 唱片公司大量生產同質性的東西因為消費者都習慣那樣. 公司當然不會發行有創新的音樂因為他們不願意承擔風險. [哼] (我自己加的) 這種情形大概回在持續個五十年吧
TIME: What will be on the English album--Alanis Morissette, The Cranberries? I
know people here say you and Alanis look pretty similar?
Time: 會走什麼曲風? Alanis Morissette(艾拉妮絲莫莉塞特)或 The Cranberries(小紅莓樂團) 嗎? 有些人說你和Alanis長得很像!?
Mok: Probably something similar to what George Michael recently put out: some cover versions, but very different from the originals. I'd like to do some standard jazz, like Ella Fitzgerald songs. I saw her once at the Royal Albert Hall when I was studying in London. She was about 80-something I think and had to sit all the way through. She sung pretty badly.
Karen: 可能會像George Michael 最近推出的專輯, 某些歌翻唱重錄但是和原版卻又是天壤之別. 我想唱一些經典的爵士歌曲,像Ella Fitzgerald*的歌. 還在倫敦唸書的時候我在皇家亞伯特演奏廳(Royal Albert Hall)看到她,將近80多歲了,全程都必須坐著唱歌. 演唱的狀況也不是很好
(我覺得老大有時候說話滿天馬行空的 呵)
TIME: That's strange. I saw Frank Sinatra in the Royal Albert Hall around 1985 and he had to sing his words from an auto cue.
Time: 那真的很奇怪. 我也記得,1985年左右, 在亞伯特演奏廳看到Frank Sinatra(法蘭克辛納區)必須跟著歌詞提示機才能唱完一首歌
TIME: Yeah, I never thought I'd see Frank Sinatra doing his own stuff karaoke-style. He was terrible and kept forgetting the words even with the auto cue. It was all very sad. Anyway, what is your following in Hong Kong, men or women?
Time: 真的. 我這輩子都沒想過會看到Frank Sinatra用這種卡拉ok的方式演唱. 即使看著字幕,他也一直忘記歌詞. 令人有點感傷. 不管了. 那你呢? 你香港的歌迷男性居多還是女性?
Mok: I honestly wouldn't know. I think I have a lot of men, you know, New Age guys. Not because I'm sexy and good-looking.
Karen: 這我真的不知道. 應該很多男生吧,那種”新時代男性”. 不過他們不是因為我性感或漂亮喜歡我的.
TIME: Oh come on, don't be so modest Karen, you're obviously both of those things.
Time: 拜託,不需要那麼謙虛啦. 大家都知道你兩者兼具!
Mok: Well, maybe I'm that too, but I think the guys tend to like the comedies I've done.
Karen: 好吧,或許它們也佔有部份因素.但我還是覺得那些男生是因為喜歡我演得那些瘋狂喜劇角色.
TIME: Tell me Karen, Hong Kong guys don't seem too crazy about many local actresses. They prefer Japanese actresses I think?
Time: 香港男生好像沒那麼迷香港本地女歌手. 他們似乎比較偏好日本的女藝人?
Mok: Yeah. That's because they've got big boobs.
Karen: 沒錯! 因為日本女生胸部很大 (老大真的超幽默又很敢講)
TIME: But you're a very attractive lady, big boobs or not.
Time: 但是你真的是很吸引人的女性,不論你有沒有大胸部. (他們用很口語 所以 照翻!)
Mok: There's a saying people have in Hong Kong, 'local ginger isn't hot or spicy enough.' Hong Kong people always like things that are not homegrown.
Karen: 香港有句俗語”本地的薑永遠不夠嗆” 反正,只要不是香港自己出產的東西香港人都喜歡.
TIME: Why aren't you a bigger draw? You've got a cult following, but do you wonder sometimes why you're not even more popular?
Time:你已經有一群死忠支持你的歌迷了,為什麼卻沒能更受歡迎,更紅? 你納悶過嗎?
Mok: I don't think I've reached my prime yet. I'm pretty happy with what I've done, but the best is yet to come.
Karen:我不認為這已經是生涯中的高峰. 我很滿意目前交出的成績,但是 我最好的時代尚未來臨!
TIME: When does your prime start?
Time: 那會是什麼開始?!
Mok: Right now.
TIME: Do you like Hong Kong?
Time: 你喜歡香港嗎?
Mok: No.
Karen: 不
TIME: Why are you still here?
Time: 那為什麼待著?
Mok: I'm only here because of the work. When that finishes I'll leave.
Karen: 只是為了工作. 工作結束,我就會離開
TIME: When will that be?
Time: 那又會是什麼時候
Mok: Maybe five years. But then, the day Disney moves to Hong Kong is the day I get out. I mean, the thought of Mickey Mouse pestering me outside my house or coming near me. Oh God, no thanks!
Karen: 五年吧. 喔…如果迪士尼先進軍香港, 那它開幕那天就是我離開的時候. 一想到米老鼠在我家門口表演或靠近我….天啊,免了吧 (難怪老大在開幕專輯裡的歌唱得有些無奈!!!)
TIME: Would you ask a famous person for their autograph?
Time: 你會像名人要簽名嗎?
Mok: A couple of my friends bumped into (Robert) De Niro in New York, but they didn't dare go up and ask for his autograph. I probably would have.
Karen: 有一次我幾個朋友在路上碰到羅勃狄尼洛, 但是沒勇氣上去跟他要簽名. 要是我就會.
TIME: Whose autographs have you got?
Time: 你有誰的簽名?
Mok: Sakamoto (musician, actor and award-winning composer Ryuichi Sakamoto). I saw him outside the gents in The Park Hyatt in Tokyo. And when I was a kid I also asked for Robert Lee's autograph, Bruce Lee's brother, but he's out of the picture now.
Karen: 阪本龍一. 我在東京凱悅遇到他. 小時候,我也跟Robert Lee要過簽名,他是李小龍的弟弟, 過去式了.
TIME: Raymond Chow (a Chinese film executive) tells me Cecelia Cheung is the new 'it' girl. Is he right?
Time: 鄒文懷(電影執行) 告訴我張柏芝是新一代風迷指標. 他說對了嗎?
Mok: Looks like it, yeah. We worked together on her first movie King Of Comedy and then everybody just latched on. Once they discover a young, new person with potential, they use it and squeeze the lemon until the pips pop out. It happens with both male and female actors. If you want to make a quick buck that's fine.
Karen: 看起來是這樣啊. 他第一部電影我們就一起合作,那一刻大家就都了然於胸他會走紅. 每次公司發覺有潛力的新人,他們就開始利用他們,像用力扭擠緊壓一顆檸檬一樣,直到榨乾最後一滴汁,檸檬籽都承受不住爆出來. 男生,女生都一樣. 如果他們想靠這樣瞬間賺一大筆錢, 我也無所謂
(很喜歡這一段 有見解)
TIME: Did you like her in Fly Me To Polaris? That came out at the same time as your movie Tempting Heart?
Time: 你喜歡她演得星願>嗎? 這部電影和心動>同年上映.
Mok: She was good, but I wasn't crazy about the movie.
Karen: 她演得很好,但我不是很喜歡那部電影
TIME: You didn't cry?
Time: 你沒有感動到哭!?
Mok: No. I felt the story was a little far-fetched and I don't always like movies that directly appeal to you in that way. It's like they're forcing you to cry, no matter how outlandish the plot.
Karen: 沒有. 電影故事有點不切實際. 我不是很喜歡那種類型的電影,好像硬是逼著你落淚.即使它的情節完全不合情理.
TIME: Are you still appealing to Hong Kong audiences?
Time: 你認為在香港觀眾眼中你仍擁有吸引他們特殊的魅力嗎?
Mok: I've never considered myself run of the mill. Nobody ever considered me run of the mill. I think a lot of people here think I'm not really one of them. I took off very slowly, so to speak, which I consider a good thing. I think that's the reason I have lasted so long, well it seems pretty long. I've never really had a specific plan for my career, but the path I took was the right one for me. I'd hate to have been hip for two years and then forgotten. That's not what I want from being in showbiz. I want to enjoy it possibly for a few more years and as I said, my prime is yet to come.
Karen:我從來不覺得自己是個平凡無奇的角色. 也從來沒有人認為我平庸.或許,根本很多人認為我不屬於”典型”演藝圈 (這是我的翻譯 我想Karen想說他和一般的藝人訴求不同 因為傳統市場難以接納!?) 某種程度上而言,我事業起步得很慢, 但我認為是件好事. 就是因為這樣我才能屹立這麼久...恩…至少感覺起來很久了. 即使我從來沒有為事業訂下明確的計畫,我也從不懷疑這就是我要走的路. 我想要盡情享受這個好幾年,而不是爆紅兩年然後就淹沒在人潮裡. 就像我說的,”My Prime is Yet to come!”
TIME: But we'll never see a 65-year-old Karen Mok singing from an auto cue in The Albert Hall?
Times: 至少,我們永遠不會看到65歲的Karen讀著字幕機在亞伯特演奏廳唱歌吧!?
Mok: God no! That would be too cruel. Cruel for me and the fans.
Karen: e~~[老大愛用的狀聲詞] 才不會咧 那才殘忍了啦. 對我和我的歌迷都太殘酷了.
TIME: Do you get depressed in this 'chew-up, spit-out' marketplace?
Time: 對於這種快速更迭的市場,你會不會感到沮喪?
Mok: Not so much, but I do get bored very easily. For the past few years I've been doing nonstop records in Taiwan and I've just released my fourth Mandarin album and thought to myself, 'this is becoming too much like routine.' That's dangerous. But it's great that I'm doing the film in China, then later on this year I'll be staging my tour in Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia and I hope to do Japan as well. Possibly a few spots in China too.
Karen:還好耶,但是我很容易感到無聊. 前幾年我不停地在台灣製作唱片,事實上,我第四張專輯才剛發行.我想, ”這已經快要變成例行公事了.” 這樣太危險了. 所以,接拍這部大陸電影我很興奮. 再下來我回開始巡迴演唱會從台灣到新加坡,香港,馬來西亞. 希望也可以去日本還有大陸幾個點.